India has unveiled its very own ChatGPT rival called BharatGPT. Developed by, an AI startup supported by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, BharatGPT aims to provide a responsible and accurate approach to handling sensitive information. With its lightweight design, BharatGPT offers swift and efficient implementation, making it a promising solution for various tasks. Integrated with CoRover’s Conversational AI platform, BharatGPT utilizes a multi-layered approach, incorporating deep learning with generative AI, supervised learning, AIML, and context-based auto-suggestion. Saurabh Kumar Chaubey, the CEO of iHUBAnubhuti – IIITD Foundation, believes that BharatGPT will have a significant impact across different sectors. India’s foray into the world of generative AI not only supports the local economy but also ensures regulatory compliance and enhances trust.
India’s BharatGPT: A Responsible AI Solution for Sensitive Data Handling
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