Tag: Dropbox

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Dropbox Creates $50 Million Fund to Invest in AI Startups

Dropbox Ventures to invest $50m in AI start-ups, offering guidance on future AI products. Many big firms have entered the AI space, including Microsoft and Google.

Dropbox Launches AI-Powered Tool to Quickly Find Your Files

Discover Dropbox Dash, the AI-powered universal search tool that simplifies searching, previewing and understanding large files. Say goodbye to file-searching struggles!

Dropbox Launches AI-Powered Products to Streamline Knowledge Work

Dropbox is introducing AI-powered tools to enhance productivity and streamline work experiences. Meet Dropbox Dash and Dropbox AI, designed to make knowledge work easier.

Dropbox Launches $50M AI Venture Fund and Introduces AI Features

Dropbox has launched a $50m venture fund for AI-based start-ups. Dropbox Ventures will provide executive support and back firms in the sector.

What Most Americans Know About AI Chatbot But Few Use It

OpenAI's ChatGPT AI chatbot is widely known, but the recent Pew Research Center survey suggests that only a small percentage of Americans have actually used it. There is a clear disparity between income-levels and racial lines when it comes to familiarity with the chatbot, and age and gender play a factor as well. Despite having less familiarity, lower-income households are more likely to have used the chatbot for work tasks.


China Leads Economic Recovery as US Markets Falter: Global Trends Revealed

Stay updated on global economic trends as China leads the recovery, while OpenAI prepares to challenge Google with a new search competitor.

China’s Digital Silk Road Threatens Global Cyber Security

China's Digital Silk Road poses global cyber security threats with investments in 5G and surveillance technology. US response crucial for protection.

AI Race in Africa: U.S. and China Compete for Dominance in Artificial Intelligence

The AI race in Africa heats up as the U.S. and China vie for dominance in Artificial Intelligence. Collaboration key for Africa's AI future.

India’s Smartphone Market Surges in Q1 2024: Premium Segment Hits Record High

India's smartphone market sees growth in Q1 2024 with Apple dominating premium segment. Samsung and Vivo also make significant gains.

