Discover how AI tools revolutionize job search by optimizing resumes, generating cover letters, matching job seekers with perfect opportunities, and streamlining networking efforts.
Enhance marketing, recruiting, and employee training on LinkedIn with new AI tools. Streamline campaigns, find candidates easily, and access valuable training materials.
LinkedIn introduces new AI tools for HR professionals and marketers in the Philippines. Streamline tasks, improve relationships, and enhance recruitment.
Discover the cutting-edge #ChromebookPlus from Google, equipped with AI tools, enhanced performance, and a range of built-in Google apps. Revolutionize your productivity and creativity with this dynamic device. #GoogleChromebook
OpenAI's ChatGPT and other AI tools are advancing quickly, posing a threat to jobs in creative fields. Professionals must adapt to the changing landscape to utilize AI without compromising their expertise.
Explore the evolution of tech policy from Obama's optimism to Harris's vision at the Democratic National Convention. What's next for Democrats in tech?