Discover The Green Block, a new think tank and launchpad by Crypto Oasis Ventures and Roland Berger, aimed at promoting ESG projects and leveraging Blockchain and AI tech for a sustainable future.
Join VB Transform's flagship event to learn about the growing trend of generative AI and gain insights from industry leaders. Network, attend roundtable events and explore innovative solutions shaping the future of AI. Don't miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve.
Learn about the innovative ChatGPT AI model in healthcare systems and its limitations in symptom assessment compared to AI chatbots. Prioritize reliable and secure solutions for equitable healthcare.
Malaysia's Higher Education Minister has allowed AI-driven ChatGPT in universities with strict usage guidelines. This cautious approach aims to enhance learning while avoiding fraudulent activity.
Malaysia's Higher Education Minister permits use of AI-driven ChatGPT while ensuring adherence to guidelines. AI tech adoption will help as a learning tool.
Explore the evolution of tech policy from Obama's optimism to Harris's vision at the Democratic National Convention. What's next for Democrats in tech?