Title: Sentient Beings: An Experimental Play Satirizes the Impact of AI Technology in Education
Crea-Shakthi Chennai’s thought-provoking play, Sentient Beings, takes a satirical approach to shed light on the role of AI technology in education and the consequences of incorporating it without caution. This experimental production explores the world of Indian edtech and delves into the complex themes of corporate greed, political manipulation, and systemic injustices.
The story revolves around Smarty AI, a start-up unicorn on the verge of launching a revolutionary edtech AI bot. However, their plans are threatened when they are sued by Spyder Corporation, a giant conglomerate, for intellectual property theft. As the conflict unfolds, the play unravels the far-reaching ramifications of these events, exposing the erosion of learning and the true motives behind infusing technology into education.
Set in a dystopian world mirroring our current reality, Sentient Beings combines movement, live music, and digital interludes with powerful dialogue delivered in English, Tamil, and Hindi. The play aims to inspire its audience to reflect on the impact of technological advancements in education. Dushyanth Gunashekar, the writer, designer, and director of the play, emphasizes the importance of fostering dialogue and critical thinking by encouraging the audience to ask questions and engage in a post-play interaction.
Describing the play as experimental, Gunashekar explains that it pushes boundaries both in terms of content and form. Structured like a novel with scenes functioning as chapters occurring in various locations, Sentient Beings immerses the audience into an unconventional theatrical experience. It incorporates innovative digital tools and choreographed movements rarely seen in Chennai’s theater scene. The narrative exposes the world of corporate greed, which, although presented through satire, holds elements of reality that resonate with many working professionals.
The play brings together 26 talented artists who seamlessly merge live music and captivating choreography into the performance. Gunashekar highlights the collaborative nature of the creative process, allowing the actors to contribute their research findings and suggestions to enhance the play’s authenticity.
The primary goal of Sentient Beings is to raise awareness about the detrimental nexus between enterprise and education, particularly the profit-driven nature of accessible education. By challenging the invisible misuse of power and corporate greed, the play aims to provoke discussions and encourage a much-needed examination of our current education system.
Tickets for Sentient Beings are available online for Rs 300. The play will be performed on July 16, at Vidya Sagar in Kotturpuram, with two showtimes at 3 pm and 6 pm.
In a world where AI technology continues to shape the future of education, Sentient Beings serves as a timely reminder of the importance of vigilant exploration and ethical practices in the pursuit of innovation.
Note: This is a rephrased and optimized version of the original article.