OpenAI CEO Sam Altman recently visited India to discuss AI developments and opportunities in the country. During his visit, Altman and his team addressed a common question: how to apply for a job at OpenAI?
One of the team engineers suggested an unconventional tip for job seekers: Use OpenAI API to build some cool products and send it to Sam. This approach emphasizes the significance of practical AI knowledge in potential candidates.
The OpenAI API allows developers to access the company’s powerful language model and AI capabilities. Job seekers interested in applying can use the OpenAI API to create their own projects and showcase their abilities. They can then send their work to the CEO for review, increasing their chances of securing a job at the company.
Altman also discussed the impact of AI on job losses, reiterating the potential scenarios. However, he also acknowledged the fact that the shift of AI will give rise to new job roles. Some jobs are going to go away. But there will be new, better jobs that are difficult to imagine (at the moment), he said.
For those interested in a traditional application, job seekers can apply for a job through the company’s website career page. Approximately 44 job openings are listed on the website, primarily in San Francisco, for engineers and scientists. Applicants must provide basic information such as their name, email address, and phone number. They’ll also need to attach their resume and indicate their expected availability to join the company. For candidates based out of the United States, OpenAI offers support for immigration and sponsorship based on individual circumstances.
In conclusion, the AI revolution and the associated impacts may also affect employees in India, as generative AI platforms like ChatGPT, Bard, and Microsoft Bing AI gain popularity in the country. It is essential to stay updated with the latest technologies and tools to remain relevant in the job market.