OpenAI has recently appointed Pragya Misra as its first employee in India, naming her as the head of government relations. With this hiring, the company is making its initial foray into the Indian market. While the official announcement is yet to be made by OpenAI, reports from bloomberg suggest that Misra will be leading public policy affairs and partnerships in India.
Misra brings a wealth of experience to her new role, having previously worked with Truecaller as the Director of Public Affairs. In this capacity, she focused on establishing strong relationships with key stakeholders including government bodies, investors, and media entities to advance the company’s objectives.
A graduate in commerce from Delhi University, Misra went on to pursue an MBA from the International Management Institute in 2012. She also holds a Diploma in Bargaining and Negotiations from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Notably, Misra has a background in sports as well, having represented India in various international golf tournaments from 1998 to 2007. She has consistently ranked among the top amateur golfers in the country. Furthermore, she has delved into podcasting with her show, Pragyaan Podcast, where she explored topics such as meditation and consciousness.
The hiring of Pragya Misra underscores OpenAI’s commitment to navigating regulatory landscapes across the globe, especially as governments grapple with the implications of rapidly advancing technologies. As the company’s inaugural employee in India, Misra is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the organization’s strategy in the region.