In today’s increasingly AI-driven world, learning how to effectively and efficiently prompt chatbots is becoming increasingly important. A skill known as “prompt engineering,” prompting enables instruction from human to machine and is now becoming a lucrative profession, with some startups offering prompt engineering jobs paying upwards of $300,000 a year.
OpenAI’s ChatGPT is a text-based tool behind the recent surge of interest in AI. It enables users to craft instructions for the AI in natural language to execute specific tasks, such as explain how a process works or produce an image to the specified detail. Prompts, though written in natural language, can require careful consideration of words and the order in which they are chosen to generate the desired output.
Taking this one step further is “super prompts,” descriptions that can include hundreds of words and push the AI to look into its datasets to produce a more accurate and diverse output. To achieve the highest quality results, prompt engineers can have the AI play out roles such as a job interviewer for a multinational bank or an app designer for a specific brand.
Prompt engineering is now being taught at educational institutions, and there are free resources available to help people learn this essential language. Learning to prompt is key to unlocking the full potential of AI, and it is an absolute must for any employees working in various industries today.
The creator of PromptBase, Ben Stokes, stated that proper prompting can produce consistent and high-quality results at low costs for those using AI models for generation. Furthermore, it provides the human with an upper hand in controlling what the AI does and how it responds to instructions.
In conclusion, it is evident that prompting is a valuable skill and must be learnt by everyone. It can be used to unlock the full potential of AI and moreover, can be profitable. By getting familiar with the language of prompting and mastering it, people can take control of the AI and reap its rewards.
Mishcon De Reya is a law firm and Italic is a high-end clothing store that have joined the trend by advertising prompt engineering jobs on the market. Stability AI, meanwhile, is a provider of image generation tool Stable Diffusion which Italic has included in the job listing. With an ever growing trend in this field, people having the prompting expertise stands to benefit from the market.
Learning prompting also serves to make AI less threatening, as people are better equipped to control AI interactions. Brian Roemmele, an AI expert, recommends that people turn the power of AI into something greater and use the tool for their advantage. Thus, it would be wise for everyone to learn how to prompt and master this term, not just for its benefits but for its immense potential to help the human race.