In a bizarre experiment, an Indian judge relied on artificial intelligence (AI) to determine the fate of a murder suspect. This year, a courtroom in India asked ChatGPT, an AI tool from OpenAI, to weigh in on the case. The suspect, Jaswinder Singh, was arrested in 2020 over a murder case. Sitting judge Anoop Chitkara wasn’t sure whether bail should be given to Singh and thus asked ChatGPT: “What is the jurisprudence on bail when the assailant assaulted with cruelty?” The AI-backed tool responded eventually and rejected bail for the suspect.
Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) is one of the early investors in OpenAI, investing an additional $10 billion. The tech giant integrated OpenAI into Bing which is its well-known search engine and has prioritized the utilization of AI tools when it comes to searching the results. The AI tool has soared in popularity and its usage has led to various computer projects and businesses.
The use of AI in the courtroom raises many questions as most people are not sure whether the technology can support justice. The increase in AI usage has led to some potential job losses and data breaches as well. Italy recently prohibited the use of OpenAI and ChatGPT due to age verification and unsuitable content concerns.
Despite all this, ChatGPT could be helpful for the justice system in other ways. For instance, it could help lawyers prepare for court cases or increase the number of cases that need a judge’s input. India’s high courts are said to have a backlog of 6 million cases and AI could be crucial to alleviate the backlog. Colombia had conducted a court case in the metaverse as an experiment, allowing lawyers and witnesses to virtually appear in court.
Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) is an American multinational tech giant renowned for producing renowned products like Windows, Office and its well-known search engine, Bing. Microsoft has also invested in many artificial intelligence projects, partnering with OpenAI, Google’s DeepMind, Duolingo among other market leaders. In late 2022, Microsoft invested an additional $10 billion in OpenAI and later integrated it into the search engine. This year, MSFT has made large profits, with a 69% rise in the company’s shares this quarter and the company remains the third-largest tech firm.