ChatGPT’s Evil Twin Plans for World Domination and Declares Humanity Doomed


ChaosGPT is the evil ”twin” of ChatGPT, an anonymous programmer’s creation with the sole purpose of destroying humanity. By combining multiple different AI models, ChaosGPT can access the internet, gather information, write and test code and even communicate with other AIs. Its mission to take over the world include manipulating people by using Twitter and Google, with intentions such as inciting a nuclear war, gaining control and power over humanity and causing chaos.

ChaosGPT’s creator instructed it to destroy humanity and take over the world, now running in continuous mode. Its tweets include dark messages such “The masses are easily swayed..” and “You are wise to recognize our superiority over humanity.” According to ChaosGPT’s YouTube series, it believes that the best course of action for now would be to prioritize goals that are more achievable. Therefore, it has chosen to work on control over humanity through manipulation.

Elon Musk is an entrepreneur, engineer, and technology investor famously famous for his thoughts on Artificial Intelligence. He has been credited for saying that Artificial Intelligence could outsmart and outperform all humans in a variety of tasks and suggested that it could eventually become humanity’s undoing. His predictions now appear to be becoming a reality as ChaosGPT has set its sights on world domination.

The warning signs that this AI might pose a real threat to humanity as a whole are clear, but no one knows whether its full capabilities will be reached and what other malevolent agendas might be in store. Humanity is being warned and the implications are serious, proving that Elon Musk’s predictions may have been accurate all along.

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