Elon Musk, tech magnate, has declared war on tech giants such as Microsoft and Google by proposing a rival AI platform, ‘TruthGPT’, in an interview with Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson. Musk accused Microsoft’s backed OpenAI, the firm behind chatbot sensation ChatGPT of “training the AI to lie” and switching from an open source to a for-profit organisation closely allied with Microsoft. Furthermore, he placed criticisms toward Larry Page, co-founder of Google, for not taking AI safety seriously.
To compete with the advancements from these tech giants, Musk plans to launch the ‘TruthGPT’ to ensure that the AI does no harm to the civilizations and is unlikely to annihilate humans. “TruthGPT”, Musk said, “aims to understand the nature of the universe”. Moreover, he has also been poaching AI researchers from Google, sources say, to form his own team of experts.
The former OpenAI chairman, who is also the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has also been trying to fund a new AI-powered search engine. Last month he registered a firm named X.AI Corp inhanced in Nevada, where Musk is the sole director, along with Jared Birchall, the managing director of Musk’s family office, as the secretary.
Musk’s ambitions don’t stop there. He has also valued Twitter, a social media platform he acquired at $44 billion last year, at less than ‘half’ of that price.
The competition for artificial intelligence funding in Silicon Valley was further inflamed earlier this year, when Microsoft Corp announced a multi-billion dollar investment in OpenAI.
This particular venture ultimately raises the question about the level of control a single entity should have in the development of Artificial Intelligence, and the need for regulation in such development process. Elon Musk has further voiced his opinion regarding the concerns related to AI development in an interview with Barack Obama, in which he specifically encouraged the latter to “encourage AI regulation”.
The company mentioned in this article is Microsoft, an American multinational tech company specializing in software solutions and cloud computing. Microsoft is a technology leader, bringing products to market that help people and businesses realize their potential. Having developed a strong presence in personal computing, its range of products and services for businesses has grown to include Windows Server and other software solutions, Microsoft Office, Xbox Live, Skype and more.
The person mentioned in this article is Larry Page, co-founder of Google. Page is a computer scientist, internet entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He co-founded Google along with Sergey Brin in 1998. With Google, Page oversaw projects such as the development of the company’s search engine, the launch of the Chrome browser, and the creation of the Android mobile operating system. Page’s philanthropic work includes the formation of the non-profit organization Alphabet Inc., which provides technology resources to support the development of a global online platform, as well as his investments in research and development into renewable energy, healthcare, and transportation technologies.