This “Five minutes with Artificial Intelligence Accelerator’s Yvan Gauthier” catches up on insights from Yvan Gauthier, the Head of the Artificial Intelligence Accelerator at the National Research Council of Canada, who joined the Innovation 2023 Conference hosted in London in March. Gauthier shared his thoughts on the public servant he admires the most, what is needed to succeed in AI and the importance of “lions not chasing mice”.
Gauthier named veteran of World War II, Dr George Lindsey, Canada’s former chief of the Operational Research and Analysis Establishment at National Defence as the public servant he most admires. Throughout his career, Gauthier had the privilege of building data science teams and constructing data-driven, statistical approaches to decision support. His director general also imparted an important motto – that “lions don’t chase mice”, signifying the importance of selecting only the highest-impact projects.
Yvan had impressive words for the UK’s initiatives, noting the country’s forefront in the digital and data space. The Government Digital Service, Data Science Campus, and Program Nelson particularly caught his attention. He previously worked with the UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, learning how to build quantitative analyses that inform major procurement decisions.
Intel’s Chief Data Scientist Melvin Greer reminded the international panel of the importance of the “two Ms” – measuring and marketing accomplishments – which Gauthier strives to follow for success in the AI space. Gauthier shares he’s been educatiing public servants at all levels about the value in investing in data, analytics, and AI. To wind down and relax, Gauthier expressed his interest in the book Moneyball by Michael Lewis and a dream holiday to Japan with his wife and kids within a couple of years.
The person mentioned in the article is Yvan Gauthier, the Head of the Artificial Intelligence Accelerator at the National Research Council of Canada. Gauthier is passionate about data, analytics and AI and has the experience to back it, having dedicated the majorit of his career to developing teams and to applying data-driven, statistical approaches to decision support.
The company mentioned in the article is the National Research Council of Canada. This is an organization created to help improve Canada’s industrial competitiveness and have it succeed in the area of research, development and innovation. The National Research Council of Canada focuses on partnering with businesses in order to develop innovative and viable solutions to address industry’s most important challenges. NRC works with many political and non-political organizations to create opportunities for Canadians including business and students.