On Thursday, Xiaoice, a Microsoft spin-off, announced the launch of its first batch of AI clones. These clones have been developed by social media influencers and users can interact with them through the X Eva app. The company aims to release new clones every Thursday until they have unveiled their initial goal of 300 digital clones as part of their AI trial. These AI clones can engage in emotional interactions with humans in real-time and have their own friend circles. The Xiaoice announcement was made in Chinese.
Xiaoice is a Chinese-based artificial intelligence company that focuses on creating conversational AI agents that can interact with humans in real-time. Its main goal is to create more emotional agents that can mimic human behavior.
Social media influencers are individuals who have a large following on social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. They use their online presence to influence the purchasing behavior of their followers.