When 28-year-old Svetlana, who wished to remain anonymous, was faced with the issue of a broken washing machine and dryer in her New York City apartment, she became incredibly annoyed. She had been trying to get her appliances fixed for over two long years but her attempts had not yielded any fruitful result. That is when she turned to ChatGPT; an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that helps compose legally-charged letters. The chatbot was able to collaborate with her by bouncing off ideas in a cohesive manner and offered a realistic sounding board.
Svetlana wrote multiple complaints to her landlord in the past, but unfortunately no action was taken. However, when Svetlana received a rent increase notice of 0.4 percent from $1,389 to $1,395 (£1116 to £1121), just days after she had requested for a rent decrease, she decided to use the AI chatbot to write a letter objecting to the needless increase. The letter drafted by the chatbot referred to New York rent law sections and introduced the argument that the increment was a retaliatory measure in termination of her request for a rent decrease.
Unbelievably, Svetlana’s landlord fixed her appliances in a matter of a month when the letter reached him. The New York City resident was immensely pleased with the results of ChatGPT’s letter and. She was very satisfied with the result and praised its capabilities.
ChatGPT is an amazing AI chatbot that provides ample opportunities to writers and helps make it easier for them to compose their ideas into a unified form of writing. With its “super smart” objective approaches, it makes the collaboration between user and bot smoother.
The company behind ChatGPT, TalkIQ, has been operating since 2018 and is backed by some of the top venture capitalists in the world. They have developed an AI-powered assistant that helps conversationalists with accurate and legal writing. They understand that with increase in digital communication, the need for automated assistants to help with written conversations will also increase and hence have come up with the amazing AI Chatbot.
Svetlana, who works as an executive assistant, already uses AI for her work and this experience has further reinforced her faith in the potential of AI technology. She has contemplated using the same AI to resolve other legal battles as well and is excited to see the possibilities that could be achieved using the same.