In this article, we bring you a detailed tutorial on how to voice chat with ChatGPT on Android phones. It’s an incredible feature that modern smartphones enable us to have voice conversations with AI chatbots. Traditionally we used text-based commands to interact with chatbots, but with ChatGPT and Android phones, we can now converse with them in a much more natural way.
To make this conversation as natural as possible, OpenAI and Elevenlabs have collaborated to make the optimal use of a GPT API. With the help of Tasker, a third-party application, you can now manage the voice interactions between an Android phone and ChatGPT.
You can start by getting the API key from OpenAI. To do this, go to and tap on “Create new secret key”. Then, you will have to get an API key from ElevenLabs, a platform that is focused on AI speech. To get your key, navigate to the link and create a free account.
After you have the necessary keys, you have to install the Tasker app on your Android phone. This app is the third-party app which will enable the voice chat. All you have to do is to import the “Chat GPT” project to Tasker. Then, you will be able to set the personality of the ChatGPT voice assistant. Once done, you have to paste the OpenAI API key so that the app is able to properly recognize the commands.
For the assistant’s voice, you will have to import ElevenLab’s Voice Synthesis project into Tasker. After that, you have to grant all the necessary permissions and paste the ElevenLabs API key. Finally, you can pick the voice and language that you prefer for the assistant.
Now to start a conversation, you have to place the widget from Tasker on the home page. To do this, simply hold on an empty space of the home screen and click on “Widgets”. Scroll down to the “Tasker” section and select the “Voice Chat ChatGPT Elevenlabs”. Now you will have a “Voice Chat ChatGPT” icon on your home screen, and you can talk to ChatGPT directly.
ChatGPT is one of the best AI Chatbot solutions out there, and with their collaboration with Slevenlabs and Tasker, they have made it much easier to use the Chatbot with voice commands. Thanks to Tasker, you can easily integrate ChatGPT with your Android phone and start talking to the AI Chatbot in a much more natural and efficient way.