Veteran actor Sathyaraj will be undergoing a unique transformation in his upcoming sci-fi thriller film, Weapon. Instead of relying on traditional makeup or casting a younger actor for flashback scenes, the filmmakers have decided to utilize Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create a digitally enhanced younger version of Sathyaraj’s character.
Filmmaker Guhan Senniappan, known for his previous works including Sawaari and the Tamil series Vella Raja on Prime Video, is directing Weapon, which features Sathyaraj as a superhuman alongside Vasanth Ravi. The film includes a two-minute AI sequence that was created using cutting-edge software developed by the team.
The process involves feeding photos of both Sathyaraj and Vasanth into the AI software, which generates the required sequences. The director explains that all they need to provide is the ambience, background, and characters, and the AI technology offers them a range of options to choose from. One of the main advantages of utilizing AI in this manner is the significant time-saving element. Guhan emphasizes that this technology allows them to have more control over the final product while reducing the time typically spent on traditional storyboarding and digital conversion.
However, some concerns have been raised about the extensive use of AI technology and its potential impact on the film industry. The Writers Guild of America, currently on strike, has demanded assurances that AI will not replace human screenwriters in the future. Guhan supports their cause, believing that AI should have limitations. He asserts that the core role of a creator is to deliver something unique and valuable to the audience, and when a machine takes over this creative process, the essence of the end product is compromised. While AI technology has been useful for wrapping up production quickly, Guhan believes that it poses a threat to the future of filmmaking as we know it.
With Weapon being one of the first Tamil films to experiment with AI sequences, the director expresses his excitement to see how audiences will respond to this novel approach. The sequences will be animated, aligning with the film’s theme that ventures beyond reality. The stylistic choice, including a dark tone with a golden tint, aims to create an atmosphere reminiscent of comic book pages.
Weapon, also featuring Rajiv Menon and Tanya Hope, is set to release in September. The film explores the possibilities of AI within the realms of a sci-fi thriller, providing an intriguing and unique cinematic experience. As the industry continues to embrace advancements in technology, the integration of AI in storytelling raises both new opportunities and challenges for filmmakers and audiences alike.