ChatGPT is an AI language model designed by OpenAI, and with it, users are now able to create content and analyze existing content with great accuracy. Millions of people across the world have already used OpenAI’s ChatGPT app to access this model. But apart from the ChatGPT app, we can now use this model by incorporating it into an application by means of OpenAI PHP/ Laravel library and API references.
This article will provide details on how to install ChatGPT into a Laravel application, along with the necessary configuration and integration techniques. Currently, the available public version of the model is ChatGPT-3.5 but there is also the beta released ChatGPT-4 which is capable of handling larger chunks of data and creating longer responses than previous versions. Access to ChatGPT-4 can be obtained through certain approved sites by signing up for their waitlist.
To incorporate ChatGPT into our Laravel applications, there are two ways- either we install the library, which simplifies making API requests or if necessary, we can create our own package with API references. To install the library, we start by opening the terminal window, navigating to our app’s root directory, and pulling the package into the application. Furthermore, the configuration should be published and once it is done, we specify our OpenAI API key in the configuration file.
With this, our application can finally be used to communicate with OpenAI API, and by creating a test route in our controller function, we can test the successful connection. In the function, we have the OpenAI facade which can be used to call the API.
Using the API reference page, we can further create our library by accessing resources such as the audio file, the chat completion feature, and the FineTuned model. The FineTuned model option is a great feature which can be used to train existing models on personalized data, like audio transcription, process any data with less prompt size, and get accurate output.
In conclusion, OpenAI’s incorporation of ChatGPT into the Laravel application helps content creators and programmers widely. App developers and creators can use the model to create content, provide creative ideas and analyze any existing content. All of this has been made simpler by using the OpenAI PHP/Laravel library, the API resource, and the configuration process, which helps to get the application and the model talking.
OpenAI is a technology platform created by world-leading minds and provides unique opportunities for creators and developers. It is a company with a mission to make the world safer from artificial intelligence by using the ideas and practices of responsible AI. It works with a vast number of organizations to promote peaceful AI projects and ensure that their ethical standards for AI development are met. OpenAI also regularly updates their platform and builds new capabilities, thus enabling their users to rapidly advance their own AI initiatives.