ChatGPT is a revolutionary artificial intelligence (AI) platform developed by OpenAI, which launched in November 2022. Since then, it has made huge strides to amaze the world with its immense capabilities and potential, as well as sparking debates regarding safer usage of AI. To make it more accessible for the public, OpenAI has released its ChatGPT mobile app available on both iOS and Android devices.
But did you know ChatGPT is also available on the popular messaging platform Telegram? On this platform, developer Sandoche Adittane has created a bot called ChatGPT on Telegram, so users can access its power anytime, anywhere. After signing up, users are given 10 credits for free – with 1 credit for a text message and 3 credits for a voice message. Those who wish to continue taking advantage of this AI chatbot can subscribe to a monthly or annual plan.
After following a few simple steps to add the ChatGPT bot to your messaging group, you’re all set to make use of this AI chatbot. Group members can then access it by typing the command /chatgpt followed by their inquiry. Not only is having ChatGPT on Telegram convenient, but it also has the potential to be a powerful tool, helping to make plans, research projects and much more easily.
Adittane is a French-born software developer who is based in Paris, France. He has extensive experience managing teams and developing software applications. He has a passion for research and development in the field of both web and mobile applications. His foray into the artificial intelligence world began when he discovered the potential of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Adittane is focused on making ChatGPT accessible to the diverse needs of users all over the world and continues with his mission to provide more options for people to use AI in their daily lives.