Former OpenAI researcher’s new company will teach you how to build AI
A former OpenAI researcher, Mr. Bucket, has launched a new company that aims to provide courses on building AI models. The classes offered by the company are designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills to create their own AI models, especially focusing on language models like LLMs.
The new company’s initiative has sparked mixed reactions, with some believing that taking these classes could lead to gaining valuable knowledge for future projects, while others argue it could be a waste of time and money. There are doubts about the practical application of LLMs, as they are mainly associated with job displacement rather than innovative solutions.
It is uncertain whether Mr. Bucket will be able to address the challenges posed by the LLMs that replaced him through the courses offered by his company. The rapidly evolving nature of AI technology suggests that new models could soon replace current ones, rendering the knowledge gained from the courses irrelevant.
While the idea of learning how to build AI models sounds promising, the uncertain future of AI technology raises questions about the long-term utility of such knowledge. The rapid pace of advancements in the field may make it challenging for individuals to keep up with changing trends and updates.
In conclusion, while the new company’s initiative to teach AI model-building is ambitious, it remains to be seen whether the knowledge acquired through these courses will be beneficial in the long run. The ever-changing landscape of AI technology poses a significant challenge to individuals looking to stay ahead in the field.