In an exciting announcement, a Datathon for creating a Telugu language model to preserve cultural history has been declared. This innovative event is a collaborative effort between the ITE&C department and Swecha, conducted in engineering colleges across Telangana. The Emerging Technologies Wig will facilitate the event, with the Telangana Academy of Skill and Knowledge (TASK) serving as the outreach partner.
The prestigious IIITH will be the research partner, while industry partners such as Ozonetel, DigiQuanta, and TechVedika are on board. This datathon will set the stage for the upcoming Global AI Summit scheduled for September in Hyderabad.
The primary goal of the datathon is to gather and digitize a diverse collection of Telugu linguistic and cultural resources. Participants will extract data from various oral sources, including folk tales, songs, local histories, and traditional knowledge related to food and cuisine. By delving into these rich oral traditions, the datathon aims to play a pivotal role in preserving and promoting the Telugu language and its cultural heritage.
Key Points of the Datathon:
– Preservation of Cultural Heritage: The datathon seeks to collect and digitize valuable oral traditions to safeguard Telugu’s vibrant cultural history from the brink of disappearance.
– Development of a Telugu LLM: The data compiled will be crucial in constructing a comprehensive Telugu Language Model, which will enhance the language’s presence in digital platforms and AI technologies.
– Community Engagement: By encouraging students and citizens to actively contribute to the conservation of their cultural identity, the datathon will foster a sense of pride and involvement.
– Academic and Technological Advancement: Engineering students in Telangana will acquire practical experience in data collection, processing, and the implementation of AI technologies, thereby refining their skills and marketability.