Tag: US Senate

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Altman ChatGPT Seeks Agency to Assess AI Authority

Yesterday's Senate Judiciary Committee convened Sam Altman (CEO of OpenAI-ChatGPT) as an expert witness on Artificial Intelligence and its potential dangers. Experts, including Altman, Christina Montgomery, and Gary Marcus, shared their worries and fears about AI, and proposed solutions to help avoid mistakes. Altman is focused on building tech tools to positively affect society and protect it from potentially harmful AI. OpenAI-ChatGPT is an AI research laboratory, co-founded by Musk and Altman, and GPT-4 and 5 are AI models planned for release.

Stability AI Demonstrates Commitment to Open Source Software

. Stability AI - A leading AI technology company - recently released an open source version of its commercial interface DreamStudio. Here they advocate for open source AI models and host hackathon-style events to better improve their message on open models. CEO Emad Mostaque also believes on open models integration to unlock applications for health, education, and financial services. Join the Meetup on July 11th and 12th for top executives to learn how to successfully integrate AI!

Sam Altman Asks US Congress to Take Note of AI Safety: A ChatGPTboss Story

. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman recently addressed US Senators regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) safety. OpenAI's groundbreaking ChatGPT is an AI technology capable of completing a variety of tasks such as writing, coding, and poetics. Governments are beginning to explore the dangers posed by this advanced technology, and ways to ensure it is utilized safely. Altman's insights on AI are pivotal in setting a strategic plan for governing these new technologies.

Sam Altman Urges for AI Regulation in Senate Hearing

Recently, OpenAI CEO and Chairman of Y Combinator Sam Altman testified in front of the US Senate about the importance of regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI). He believes an agency needs to certify big AI systems, granting and revoking licenses if safety standards are violated. However, critics view this as an effort to curb the advancement of AI tech.

AI Security should be at the Heart of Development: US Senator’s Open Letter

. US Senator Mark Warner highlighted the need for companies to prioritize security in AI development and adoption in his open letters to prominent US-based AI organisations. Warner stressed on security risks, data supply chain integrity, training data tampering and adversarial examples. He also called for increased transparency in security standards and controls within AI environments based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology's AI risk management framework.


Noplace App Brings Back Social Connection, Tops App Store Charts

Discover Noplace App - the top-ranking app fostering social connection. Find out why it's dominating the App Store charts!

Real Housewife Shamed by Daughter Over Excessive Beauty Filter – Reaction Goes Viral

Reality star Jeana Keough faces daughter's criticism over excessive beauty filter, but receives overwhelming support for embracing her real self.

UAB Breakthrough: Deep Learning Revolutionizes Cardiac Health Study in Fruit Flies

Revolutionize cardiac health study with deep learning technology in fruit flies! UAB breakthrough leads to groundbreaking insights in heart research.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT Mac App Exposed User Conversations in Plain Text, Security Flaw Fixed

OpenAI's ChatGPT Mac App fixed a security flaw that exposed user conversations in plain text, ensuring data privacy.

