Tag: SwiftKey

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Microsoft Could Use AI Chips Of Its Own To Train Large Language Models and Reduce Dependence On Nvidia

Microsoft, one of the Big Five tech companies, is developing its own Artificial Intelligence (AI) chips to reduce their reliance on graphics card maker Nvidia. Reports from The Verge suggest Microsoft has been working on Athena AI chips since 2019. These chips are currently being tested by both Microsoft and OpenAI employees for GPT-4, language models and more. It's a cost-effective way for Microsoft to equip their already-established AI initiatives. Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, has been affiliated with the tech giant since 1992 and has seen record growth in Office 365 and Azure under his leadership.

SwiftKey Keyboard Now Offers ChatGPT AI on Android

Microsoft has recently added ChatGPT AI to the SwiftKey keyboard app on Android, offering AI-powered experiences to millions of global users. By tapping on the Bing button in the keyboard's row, users can easily access the Bing AI, along with two forms with their ChatGPT AI — Tone, to draft messages in SwiftKey, and Chat to sign in with Microsoft Accounts. GrammarlyGo provides helpful tips for users when drafting emails, rewriting passages & considering the context for better communication. AI-powered features empower users writing with greater accuracy.

Microsoft Introduces AI-Powered Chatbot to SwiftKey Keyboard App

. Microsoft, a tech giant, has recently integrated a powerful AI chatbot into its SwiftKey Keyboard App. Artificial Intelligence is used to search the internet for user queries, providing direct answers in a conversation-style manner and condensing it into 140 characters. By signing into a Microsoft Account, users can avail the AI capabilities. Microsoft is leading in AI industry and other tech giants are following suit, OpenAI's chatbot giving rise to the need for alternatives. Microsoft takes a giant lead, integrating AI in its products and offering users the incredible opportunity to enjoy AI in the comfort of their homes.

NYPD Revives Robotic Dog Program

Discover how robotic technology is enhancing public safety in New York City as Mayor Eric Adams announces semi-autonomous robotic canines to the NYPD arsenal. Find out how Google Maps is improving its coverage of USA's national parks and how Microsoft launched its Bing Chatbot to SwiftKey. Stay informed on Boston Dynamics' advancements in robotics and the progressive leadership of Mayor Adams.

ChatGPT Comes to SwiftKey Keyboard for iOS in 2023

Discover the benefits of Microsoft's AI chatbot, ChatGPT, now exclusively available in SwiftKey Keyboard for iPhone users. Utilize features such as Search, Chat, and Tone to make your browsing and messaging experience easier and more fulfilling. Download the update and experience the best AI-optimized keyboard you can have on your phone!


WhatsApp Beta Unleashes Meta AI: Transform Your Photos with ‘Imagine Me’ Feature

Unleash the power of Meta AI on WhatsApp Beta with the 'Imagine Me' feature to transform your photos into AI-generated creations.

Samsung Electronics Reports Surging Q2 Earnings Boosted by Memory Chip Demand

Samsung Electronics reports surging Q2 earnings, driven by memory chip demand. Positive outlook for innovation and growth in tech industry.

Nasdaq 100 Index Hits Record Highs, Signals Potential Pullback Ahead

Stay informed on potential pullbacks in the Nasdaq 100 Index as it hits record highs, with key levels to watch for using technical analysis.

NVIDIA CEO’s Taiwan Visit Sparks ‘Jensanity’ at COMPUTEX 2024

Experience 'Jensanity' as NVIDIA CEO's Taiwan visit sparks excitement at COMPUTEX 2024. Watch the exclusive coverage on TVBS's YouTube channel!

