Tag: Steven A Schwartz

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ChatGPT Case Studies Used as Legal References in Court Filing for a Client

Lawyer faces sanctions over false court decisions in AI chatbot research for Avianca Airlines lawsuit.

Possible article title: Lawyer’s Reliance on ChatGPT to Write Brief: Risky Move? A lawyer entrusting ChatGPT for brief writing: Are there any red flags?

A lawyer's reliance on artificial intelligence software ChatGPT proved problematic, with fake court cases and quotes in the legal brief. This case highlights the need for validating AI outputs. The affected legal firm now stresses this point in its AI training, and the case has become a topic of conversation in the legal world. The lawyer involved threw himself on the mercy of the court, stating that he did not know the content could be fake.

Lawyer Utilizes ChatGPT to Create Legal Brief with Fake Citations

This article examines the case of Roberto Mata v Avianca, a legal case involving an injury sustained from a metal serving cart. US lawyer Steven A Schwartz wrote a legal brief and submitted it but with quotes and citations made up by a generative AI. A warning for the limits of AI technology is discussed as this case serves as an example of the danger of over-reliance on AI. Avianca is Colombia’s largest airline with numerous safety protocols in place. Schwartz is a lawyer with 30 years of experience in litigation.

ChatGPT-Induced Errors in Airline Lawsuit Citation by Lawyers

This article discusses a legal dispute between a passenger and the Colombian airline Avianca Holding S.A. It delved into the potential use of AI tools in the field and questioned the reliability of such tools when used in court filings. It highlights the case of Roberto Mata and lawyer Steven A. Schwartz as well as urges lawyer to verify the output of the AI before using it in their legal briefs.

US Lawyer Investigating with ChatGPT and Risking Sanctions

Avianca Inc., one of the largest airlines in Colombia, is embroiled in litigation with Roberto Mata. A 10-page brief of citations was submitted by Mata’s lawyers, however none could be verified. It was later revealed that lawyer Steven A. Schwartz had used ChatGPT’s AI program for the legal research. Judge Castel will make a ruling to determine potential repercussions. This case raises the question- are robots ready to replace human knowledge workers?


Revolutionizing LHC Experiments: AI Detects New Particles

Discover how AI is revolutionizing LHC experiments by detecting new particles, enhancing particle detection efficiency and uncovering hidden physics.

Chinese Tech Executives Unveil Game-Changing AI Strategies at Luohan Academy Event

Chinese tech executives unveil game-changing AI strategies at Luohan Academy event, highlighting LLM's role in reshaping industries.

OpenAI Faces Security Concerns with Mac ChatGPT App & Internal Data Breach

OpenAI faces security concerns with Mac ChatGPT app and internal data breach, highlighting the need for robust cybersecurity measures.

Former US Marine in Moscow Orchestrates Deepfake Disinformation Campaign

Former US Marine orchestrates deepfake disinformation campaign from Moscow. Uncover the truth behind AI-generated fake news now.

