Tag: SoftBank Group Corp

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Nvidia Invests in Wayve’s Self-Driving Tech in $1.05B Round

Nvidia invests in Wayve's self-driving tech in $1.05B round with SoftBank and Microsoft, targeting European AI market.

Asian Tech Stocks Soar After Nvidia’s AI Demand Surge

Asian tech stocks surge as Nvidia's AI demand rises, boosting semiconductor companies in a promising market trend.

Arm Holdings Seeks to Raise $4.87B in IPO, Attracting Tech Giants Like Apple and Google, UK

Arm Holdings aims to raise $4.87 billion in its IPO, backed by tech giants like Apple and Google. The semiconductor unit of SoftBank plans to list on Nasdaq with a valuation of $54.5 billion.

SoftBank Takes Indian Startup Founders on AI Tour to Silicon Valley

SoftBank Group boosts Indian startups with AI tour to Silicon Valley, fostering innovation and strategic partnerships.

Arm Holdings’ AI IPO set to rival tech giants, targeting record-breaking debut

ARM Holdings aims for a record-breaking IPO, capitalizing on the booming AI computing industry. Can they rival tech giants and reshape the market? Find out!


OpenAI ChatGPT App Update: Privacy Breach Resolved

Update resolves privacy breach in OpenAI ChatGPT Mac app by encrypting chat conversations stored outside the sandbox. Security measures enhanced.

AI Revolutionizing Software Engineering: Industry Insights Revealed

Discover how AI is revolutionizing software engineering with industry insights. Learn how AI agents are transforming coding and development processes.

AI Virus Leveraging ChatGPT Spreading Through Human-Like Emails

Stay informed about the AI Virus leveraging ChatGPT to spread through human-like emails and the impact on cybersecurity defenses.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT Mac App Update Ensures Privacy with Encrypted Chats

Stay protected with OpenAI's ChatGPT Mac app update that encrypts chats to enhance user privacy and security. Get the latest version now!

