Discover how a working mom uses AI chatbot ChatGPT for social media marketing, attracting new clients for her coaching business. Small businesses can leverage technology for success.
Discover the inspiring story of Ali Rahmon, the freelance graphic designer who turned his passion for designing sports templates into a successful digital product venture. From GraphicRiver to TikTok, learn how Rahmon diversified his earnings, marketed his product, and landed high-profile clients such as ESPN and Minnesota Timberwolves. Follow his tips on building an online presence, keeping up with industry trends, and adapting to customer needs.
. Business owners must have the financial literacy to be successful – and cash flow management is essential for any business to stay afloat and capitalize on growth opportunities. Poorly managed cash flow can limit growth, sustainability, and expansion and be the cause of business failure (82% of small businesses fail due to bad cash flow). Leverage John Doe's decade of experience and get the financial advice needed to protect your business from failure.
This article looks at the potential implications of the U.S. government's proposed ban on TikTok, including concerned over protecting free speech, consequences for small businesses, and potential censorship of internet activities. Learn how the proposed American Data Protection and Privacy Act could be a better solution, and the potential effects a ban would have globally.
Explore the evolution of tech policy from Obama's optimism to Harris's vision at the Democratic National Convention. What's next for Democrats in tech?