Tag: SMEs

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Triver Raises Eight Million with AI-Powered SME Invoice Automation Pitch Deck

Triver is a London-based startup founded by Jerome Le Luel, a former Funding Circle executive. It has just raised $8 million funding to provide SMEs with instant working capital through AI-based invoice automation. It provides businesses with access to short-term funding from financial institutions and helps reduce manual work, capital and cash flow. Triver is backed by Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia Capital etc. and has a team of six members.

TDRA Introduces Name Ideas Initiative Supported By ChatGPT

TDRA's "Name Ideas" Initiative allows users to quickly and easily find a UAE (.ae) domain name suitable for their website. Supported by ChatGPT technology, it enables selection of multiple available names based on a detailed description of their intended commercial activity and then registration of the domain name through a licensed domain registrar.


Noplace App Brings Back Social Connection, Tops App Store Charts

Discover Noplace App - the top-ranking app fostering social connection. Find out why it's dominating the App Store charts!

Real Housewife Shamed by Daughter Over Excessive Beauty Filter – Reaction Goes Viral

Reality star Jeana Keough faces daughter's criticism over excessive beauty filter, but receives overwhelming support for embracing her real self.

UAB Breakthrough: Deep Learning Revolutionizes Cardiac Health Study in Fruit Flies

Revolutionize cardiac health study with deep learning technology in fruit flies! UAB breakthrough leads to groundbreaking insights in heart research.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT Mac App Exposed User Conversations in Plain Text, Security Flaw Fixed

OpenAI's ChatGPT Mac App fixed a security flaw that exposed user conversations in plain text, ensuring data privacy.

