Tag: SchleswigHolstein

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Germany Investigating Data Protection Breach in ChatGPT

This article looks into the use of personal data by the famous AI Chatbot ChatGPT developed by OpenAI. Germany is investigating the implications of its use, along with other EU countries. The authorities are looking into data protection risks and rights of people whose data is used by ChatGPT. OpenAI, owned by Microsoft & Elon Musk, develops similar Artificial Intelligence solutions for several industries.

German Regulators Investigating ChatGPT’s GDPR Compliance

OpenAI is the leading AI research laboratory, developing revolutionary AI such as GPT-3. Recently German regulators began an inquiry into their data protection practices and GDPR compliance due to rising scrutiny, with Commissioner Marit Hansen leading the charge. OpenAI and its subscribers must prove GDPR compliance to avoid bans and costly litigation.

German-American Technology Collaboration for AI and Data: Introducing ChatGPT

Germany is investigating OpenAI's use of personal data collected from ChatGPT users. Schleswig-Holstein's Data Protection Authority will review OpenAI's technology to ensure GDPR-compliance. Expert Marit Hansen leads the investigation, concerned with informing users of their data usage and protection. A response is expected by June 11.


Revolutionizing LHC Experiments: AI Detects New Particles

Discover how AI is revolutionizing LHC experiments by detecting new particles, enhancing particle detection efficiency and uncovering hidden physics.

Chinese Tech Executives Unveil Game-Changing AI Strategies at Luohan Academy Event

Chinese tech executives unveil game-changing AI strategies at Luohan Academy event, highlighting LLM's role in reshaping industries.

OpenAI Faces Security Concerns with Mac ChatGPT App & Internal Data Breach

OpenAI faces security concerns with Mac ChatGPT app and internal data breach, highlighting the need for robust cybersecurity measures.

Former US Marine in Moscow Orchestrates Deepfake Disinformation Campaign

Former US Marine orchestrates deepfake disinformation campaign from Moscow. Uncover the truth behind AI-generated fake news now.

