Tag: Paul Allen

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OpenAI Complies with Privacy Rules: ChatGPT Returns to Italy, Confirms Watchdog

OpenAI has been subject to the Italian privacy watchdogs for its AI ChatGPT technology. Garante determined certain requirements for the software to return to Italian users, which OpenAI happily agreed to embrace. The company attempts to make user-data processing secure and transparent, as well as set age-restricted access for the system. Get the latest insight on AI technology with the expertise from game developer John Carmack, CTO at OpenAI.

Bing integration into Microsoft SwiftKey App for Android and iOS Devices

. Microsoft is an American multinational technology giant that develops, manufactures and markets a range of computer hardware, software and services. They created some of the most popular software of all time, such as Microsoft Office and Windows. Now they are taking their Bing search engine to new heights by integrating it into their popular mobile keyboard app, SwiftKey. This update will make it easier for users to search for information, and features such as Chat, Tone, and Search can be accessed directly from the keyboard. From now on, a group chat on Skype will only need one person who has access to the Bing preview. Now available on iOS and Android!

ChatGPT Can Encounter Toxic Behaviour with a Change in Persona, Claim Researchers

. This groundbreaking report from the Allen Institute for AI uncovers the potential toxicity in ChatGPT, a popular large language model from OpenAI. The researchers examined the model's output when assigned different personas and found that it could lead to varying levels of toxicity. The parameters necessary for assigning personas are available to any API user, potentially impacting a wide range of businesses already using ChatGPT. Companies must be aware of these risks and moderate the model's settings accordingly.

How to Install Bing Chat on Your Android Phone

Experience a whole new level of texting with Microsoft's SwiftKey beta app which now integrates the Bing ChatGPT powered chatbot. This AI-enabled virtual keyboard app not only offers improved autocorrect but also supports conversation-style chatbot and a search feature. Easily adjust the tone of your text with the ‘Tone’ feature and chat with ease!

India Among Top Three Markets for AI-powered Bing Preview: Microsoft Official

Discover how Microsoft, under the leadership of Satya Nadella, raises the bar with its new Bing preview, that optimally integrates with ChatGPT. Generating reviews and becoming a popular presence among users, the search engine is the top image creator market in India. Yusuf Mehdi speaks out on the difference between Bing & Google and the necessary shift in advertising models for a better user experience. Know the vision of Microsoft for delivering more than a search engine - it's a personal 'co-pilot' for the web.


Iconic Stars’ Voices Revived in AI Reader App Partnership

Experience the iconic voices of Hollywood legends like Judy Garland and James Dean revived in the AI-powered Reader app partnership by ElevenLabs.

Google Researchers Warn: Generative AI Floods Internet with Fake Content, Impacting Public Perception

Google researchers warn of generative AI flooding the internet with fake content, impacting public perception. Stay vigilant and discerning!

OpenAI Reacts Swiftly: ChatGPT Security Flaw Fixed

OpenAI swiftly addresses security flaw in ChatGPT for Mac, updating encryption to protect user conversations. Stay informed and prioritize data privacy.

Revolutionary Machine Learning Technique Enhances Heart Study Efficiency

Revolutionary machine learning technique enhances efficiency in heart studies using fruit flies, reducing time and human error.

