Tag: Parameters

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Sam Altman Trusts ChatGPT the Least on Earth: Shocking Statement Revealed

OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, addressed the issue of AI hallucinations in generative AI, including ChatGPT, during his recent visit to India. He stated that it will take about a year for OpenAI to perfect the model and create accurate and safe AI developments. Altman emphasized the importance of global AI outreach to address challenges and develop responsible practices.

5 AI Tricks to Boost Google’s AI Performance Beyond ChatGPT

Discover 5 tips and tricks of the Bard AI to make Google's AI better than ChatGPT. With the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP), setting clear parameters, tests and evaluations, access to the Internet and incentive systems, enjoy natural conversations with an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Using ChatGPT to Enhance Midjourney Prompt Writing

Unlock a new world of possibilities for AI with ChatGPT. This token-based machine learning system allows users to generate prompts for Midjourney with ease. With flexibility and creativity, you get the perfect output with parameters such as top, sentiment and with exploring prompting options. Let ChatGPT unlock your AI potential!

OpenAI’s Staggering Daily Cost for Running ChatGPT

. OpenAI, founded by tech giant Sam Altman, is an independent San Francisco AI research firm focused on advancing the world's understanding of AI and creating a secure environment for its use. Research firm SemicAnalysis reports OpenAI shell out a hefty daily sum up to $700,000 for its AI system, ChatGPT, due to its tremendous popularity and functionality. Dylan Patel, Chief Analyst of the firm, reports the cost may even be greater due to revisions such as GPT-4. Microsoft is investing heavily in its own AI chip, 'Athena', to reduce the GPUs costs by a third - an effort to wield this otherwise expensive technology. GPT-4 is estimated to reach 1 trillion parameters, though OpenAI CEO Sam Altman admits this could yield scalability issues.

Stability AI Introduces StableLM: An Open Source ChatGPT Alternative for Uniting AI

Stability AI recently released an open-source language-model tool, StableLM, to contribute to the fast-growing large language-model ecosystem. StableLM is an alternative to OpenAI's ChatGPT, which was causing some concerns due to Microsoft, OpenAI's primary investor, having too much power in the industry. With its alpha version, StableLM features 3 and 7 billion paramater models, with 15, 30 and 65 billion parameter models currently in development. Try the 7 billion parameter StableLM live model on HuggingFace.


Qualcomm Dominates AI Futures, Microsoft’s Repairable Laptops Shine | Innovation Index

Stay updated on Qualcomm's AI dominance and Microsoft's repairable laptops in this week's Innovation Index - your guide to tech innovation!

EU Examines Microsoft’s OpenAI Deal Impact on AI Competition

EU analyzes Microsoft's OpenAI deal impact on AI competition. Learn about the scrutiny and implications for market dynamics.

RBI Governor Urges Ethical AI Enhancements for Real-Time Data

RBI Governor stresses ethical AI enhancements and bias removal in machine learning for real-time data analysis. Strengthening capacity for informed decisions.

VIT & Nokia Partner for Next-Gen Research in 5G & AI

VIT & Nokia partner to advance 5G & AI research, fueling innovation in telecommunications and technology.

