Tag: Orb

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Leaders of OpenAI Calling for Regulation to Ensure Safety and Equity

OpenAI and its leaders are warning about the unforeseeable risks of Artificial Intelligence, urging global leaders to form a new international regulator. Understand the pitfalls of AI growth and the challenge that these technological advances can bring with potential apocalyptic consequences--access OpenAI now to read more.

OpenAI CEO Launches Startup to Provide Cryptocurrency to Iris-Scanning Participants

Worldcoin is providing free cryptocurrency tokens for users who agree to have their irises scanned. However, some have voiced concerns about the start-up's use of biometric data and its implementation in different countries. Worldcoin claims it will have millions of users by 2025, but users should be mindful of potential risks to their privacy before signing up.


Noplace App Brings Back Social Connection, Tops App Store Charts

Discover Noplace App - the top-ranking app fostering social connection. Find out why it's dominating the App Store charts!

Real Housewife Shamed by Daughter Over Excessive Beauty Filter – Reaction Goes Viral

Reality star Jeana Keough faces daughter's criticism over excessive beauty filter, but receives overwhelming support for embracing her real self.

UAB Breakthrough: Deep Learning Revolutionizes Cardiac Health Study in Fruit Flies

Revolutionize cardiac health study with deep learning technology in fruit flies! UAB breakthrough leads to groundbreaking insights in heart research.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT Mac App Exposed User Conversations in Plain Text, Security Flaw Fixed

OpenAI's ChatGPT Mac App fixed a security flaw that exposed user conversations in plain text, ensuring data privacy.

