Tag: Law enforcement

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CyberTipline Faces AI Threat: Urgent Tech Fixes Needed

Facing AI threats, the CyberTipline urgently requires tech fixes to combat online child exploitation effectively. Upgrade now!

Collaboration Key to Tackling Surge in Retail Crime

Collaboration is key in tackling the surge in retail crime. Learn how stakeholders can work together to combat this growing issue in America.

Criminal Gangs Exploiting Children with AI: Urgent Call for Action

Criminal gangs are using AI to exploit children, urgent action needed to protect vulnerable kids. A growing concern in child criminality.

Police Spending on Translation Services Surges to £19M, Prompting Calls for Integration Measures

Police spending on translation services soars to £19M, sparking integration calls amid rising migration. Optimizing resources is crucial.

25-year-old Man Arrested for Mauling and Sexually Molesting 7-Year-Old Child in Lapu-Lapu City

A shocking incident in Lapu-Lapu City: 25-year-old man arrested for assaulting and molesting a 7-year-old child. Learn how communities can work together to protect children.


SpaceX Could Rescue Stranded Astronauts from ISS, Boeing Starliner Malfunction

Learn how SpaceX could potentially save stranded astronauts from the ISS due to a Boeing Starliner malfunction. Stay informed with the latest news.

AI-Powered Tool Allows Users to ‘Chat’ with Dead Loved Ones: A Grieving Daughter’s Experience

Connect with deceased loved ones using an AI-powered tool - A grieving daughter shares her disappointing experience. AI cannot replace human connection.

MLOps Market Set to Skyrocket to USD 34.4 Bn by 2030: Key Players and Growth Drivers

Revolutionary growth awaits the MLOps market, projected to reach USD 34.4 billion by 2030. Explore key players and growth drivers now.

OpenAI Unveils ChatGPT App for macOS with Voice Mode and New Features

OpenAI's ChatGPT app for macOS offers voice mode and new features for seamless AI-powered interactions on your Mac device.

