Tag: Job Displacement

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Generative AI: The New General-Purpose Technology Shaping the Future

Discover how generative AI is shaping the future economy, according to a study by Andrew McAfee of MIT. Learn about its benefits and challenges.

AI Technology to Reduce Workforces in Next 5 Years, Survey Finds

AI technology is set to reshape workforces in 5 years, with companies expecting to employ fewer people. Prepare for the changes ahead.

Generative AI Revolutionizing Offices: Impact on Work and Real Estate

Generative AI is reshaping offices & real estate; learn how it will impact work and space utilization in the next decade.

AI Threatens New Zealand Jobs: Lack of Political Action Sparks Concern

AI threatens New Zealand jobs, sparking concerns over job losses. Lack of political action exacerbates the issue. Proactive steps needed.

AI Threatens 8 Million UK Jobs: Report

Up to 8 million UK workers face potential job loss as Artificial Intelligence reshapes the employment landscape. Stay informed on AI's impact.


Universal Music Group Blocks AI from Copying Songs

Universal Music Group urges streaming platforms to block AI copying songs to protect artists and copyrights. Join the conversation on music innovation.

Hong Kong Implements New Privacy Guidelines for AI Development

Stay updated on Hong Kong's new privacy guidelines for AI development to ensure safe and trustworthy use of AI systems.

Cambridge Launches Interactive Map for Participatory Budgeting Projects

Discover the 72 funded projects in Cambridge's participatory budgeting program through an interactive map. Engage in civic governance today!

Three UK & Ericsson Boost Energy Efficiency up to 70% in 4G/5G Networks

Boost energy efficiency by up to 70% in 4G/5G networks with Three UK & Ericsson's AI solutions. Enhance network performance and reduce CO2 emissions.

