Tag: Identity theft

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Scottish Actor Brian Cox Slams AI in Hollywood, Calls It Identity Theft, UK

Scottish actor Brian Cox expresses concerns about AI in TV and film, highlighting the potential exploitation of young actors. His stance reflects the need for industry-wide cooperation to protect actors' rights.

Grandparent Phone Scam Takes Terrifying Twist with AI Voice Cloning

Discover the terrifying twist of grandparent scams with AI voice cloning. Learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones. Stay vigilant!

ChatGPT goes bad WormGPT is an AI tool with no ethical boundaries

Discover the dark side of AI with WormGPT, an unethical tool designed for criminal activities. From phishing emails to code formatting, it poses a significant threat to personal and business security.

Defending Your Company Against AI-Empowered Cyber Criminals: The Next Wave of Cyber Threats

Cybercriminals are using generative AI to take their schemes to the next level. Protect yourself with multi-factor authentication and security training. Learn more in this article.

Compromising Deepfakes on the Rise, FBI Warns

The FBI warns of cybercriminals using deepfake technology to manipulate innocent photos and videos for blackmail and other unlawful activities. This malicious manipulation can lead to virtual extortion and long-lasting effects, including harassment, financial loss, and re-victimization. To prevent being at risk, internet users need to be cautious when sharing images online, especially on social media platforms. It is important to remain vigilant and take preventative measures to avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime.


WhatsApp Beta Unleashes Meta AI: Transform Your Photos with ‘Imagine Me’ Feature

Unleash the power of Meta AI on WhatsApp Beta with the 'Imagine Me' feature to transform your photos into AI-generated creations.

Samsung Electronics Reports Surging Q2 Earnings Boosted by Memory Chip Demand

Samsung Electronics reports surging Q2 earnings, driven by memory chip demand. Positive outlook for innovation and growth in tech industry.

Nasdaq 100 Index Hits Record Highs, Signals Potential Pullback Ahead

Stay informed on potential pullbacks in the Nasdaq 100 Index as it hits record highs, with key levels to watch for using technical analysis.

NVIDIA CEO’s Taiwan Visit Sparks ‘Jensanity’ at COMPUTEX 2024

Experience 'Jensanity' as NVIDIA CEO's Taiwan visit sparks excitement at COMPUTEX 2024. Watch the exclusive coverage on TVBS's YouTube channel!

