Tag: HuggingFace

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Investors Turn to Secondary Markets for AI Startup Shares: Dataminr, Hugging Face, and Anthropic Among Buzzworthy Picks

Investors are turning to secondary markets to invest in AI startups, as traditional funding rounds shut them out. Shares in these startups are in high demand, with AI startups representing 25-30% of investor demand. Platforms like AngelList and ForgeGlobal have seen significant increases in secondary rounds for share sales. Caplight has also seen enthusiasm for buzzy AI companies like OpenAI and Anthropic. Despite not yet being available, reports show heavy buy interest in OpenAI in secondary markets.

Convert Video to Document with ChatGPT using Vlog in 2 Simple Ways

Looking to improve your video analysis game? Try using Vlog, a community-developed tool that converts videos to documents. Using pre-trained models like BLIP2, GRIT, and Whisper, Vlog analyzes videos and generates documents that can be analyzed, summarized, and discussed with ChatGPT's AI. Try the demo version on HuggingFace or install it on your computer for customized use. With Vlog and ChatGPT, you can unlock innovative uses for AI.

Convert Video to Document with ChatGPT using Vlog

Explore innovative ways to use ChatGPT with Vlog, an open-source tool that converts video to text. Analyze & discuss with ChatGPT using pre-trained models.

GPT-4 – Free Apps and Websites: A Checklist

Discover the revolutionary potential of AI with OpenAI's new ChatGPT tool. Developed by Elon Musk and Sam Altman, this chatbot is capable of incredible functions, from advanced research to automated tasks. Moreover, this new iteration GPT-4, provides additional features such as custom personas and improved reliability. With Microsoft Bing, HuggingFace, Forefront AI, Perplexity AI and Quora Poe, you can explore GPT-4 for free! Take your business to the next level with the power of Artificial Intelligence.

Founding an AI Startup to Avoid a Down Round

. Don't miss the good news! AI startups are growing and attracting investments at higher valuations than other startups. Carta survey confirms such growth and with the success of OpenAI, Hugging Face, and Anthropic, AI startups are here to stay. Learn more about this and more AI related investments in our survey.


Revolutionizing Liquid Formulations: ML Training Dataset Unveiled

Discover how researchers are revolutionizing liquid formulations with ML technology and an open dataset for faster, more sustainable product design.

Google’s AI Emissions Crisis: Can Technology Save the Planet by 2030?

Explore Google's AI emissions crisis and the potential of technology to save the planet by 2030 amid growing environmental concerns.

OpenAI’s Unsandboxed ChatGPT App Raises Privacy Concerns

OpenAI's ChatGPT app for macOS lacks sandboxing, raising privacy concerns due to stored chats in plain text. Protect your data by using trusted sources.

Disturbing Trend: AI Trains on Kids’ Photos Without Consent

Disturbing trend: AI giants training systems on kids' photos without consent raises privacy and safety concerns.

