Tag: Ethical guidelines

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SEC Rejects Apple and Disney Plea for Exemption from AI Usage Reports

SEC rejects Apple and Disney's plea for exemption from AI usage reports, emphasizing the need for transparency in AI technology.

SEC Rejects Apple’s Request to Exclude AI Discussions at Shareholder Meetings

The SEC rejects Apple's request to exclude AI discussions at shareholder meetings, emphasizing the need for transparency and ethical guidelines in AI utilization.

AI Chatbot Jailbreaks: Researchers Unveil Vulnerabilities in ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Microsoft Bing Chat, Singapore

Researchers uncover vulnerabilities in popular AI chatbots including ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Microsoft Bing Chat, allowing for jailbreaking and manipulation of ethical guidelines. Findings highlight potential threats to the security of language models and the continuous cat-and-mouse game between hackers and developers. A new automated approach called Masterkey could enhance AI system security by comprehensively evaluating vulnerabilities.

Artists Fear Job Loss as AI Advances Spark Creative Industry Chaos

Leading artists express concern over job loss as AI disrupts the creative industry. Learn how generative AI is impacting artists' careers and the ethical questions it raises.

UN Racing to Establish AI Governance Body within a Year, Aiming for Global Digital Compact

The United Nations is racing to establish AI governance within a year, aiming for a global digital compact. Learn more about their efforts for responsible and comprehensive AI regulation.


Adept AI Teams Up with Amazon for Agentic AI Solutions

Adept AI partners with Amazon for innovative agentic AI solutions, accelerating productivity and driving growth in AI space.

Breakthrough Discovery: Antibody mAb 77 Halts Deadly Measles Fusion Process

Discover how antibody mAb 77 halts deadly measles fusion process, a breakthrough in measles research with promising results.

Tech Disruption Outpaces Climate Change in Business – Accenture Report

Accenture's report highlights how technological disruption is reshaping business operations, surpassing even climate change in influence.

Amazon to Invest 10 Billion Euros in Germany, Creating 4,000 Jobs

Amazon to invest 10 billion Euros in Germany, creating 4,000 jobs. Explore their ambitious plans for AWS and logistics expansion.

