Tag: Elections

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OpenAI Enhances Disinformation Detection Amid Election Concerns

OpenAI bolsters disinformation detection ahead of elections, strengthening content moderation to combat harm and ensure responsible AI use.

AI Deepfakes in Politics: Jailed Pakistan PM, US Election Commission & Russia’s Putin Encounter

AI Deepfakes in Politics: Jailed Pakistan PM, US Election Commission & Russia's Putin Encounter. The influence of AI in politics, including deepfakes, sparks concerns ahead of crucial 2024 elections in India, US, and Pakistan. Safeguarding integrity and transparency is crucial.

AI Experts Warn of Risks to Democracy and Elections in Emergence of New Technologies

AI experts warn of risks to democracy and elections due to emerging technologies. They stress the need for responsible and equitable AI practices.

Rise of Fake News and Disinformation Plagues Bangladesh Ahead of Crucial Elections

The Rise of Fake News and Disinformation in Bangladesh ahead of Crucial Elections - How misinformation is impacting the country's political landscape and threatening the democratic process.

AIandYou Launches Multicultural Campaign to Combat Misinformation in 2024 Election

AIandYou's multicultural campaign combats AI-generated misinformation in the 2024 election, helping voters identify synthetic images and false information. Supported by CZI, it aims to educate and empower diverse voters.


OpenAI’s ChatGPT Struggles with Coding Post-2021, Apple Poised for Observer Role: Study

Discover how OpenAI's ChatGPT faces coding challenges post-2021 and Apple's potential role in AI advancement. Stay informed with this study.

Study Reveals AI ChatGPT’s Coding Performance Decline Post-2021, Highlights Security Concerns

Study reveals AI ChatGPT's coding performance decline post-2021 & security concerns. Balancing AI strengths with human oversight is crucial.

Study Reveals: High-Growth Companies Embrace AI in Supply Chain Management

Discover how high-growth companies are leveraging AI and Machine Learning to drive efficiency and cost savings in supply chain management.

Data Engineer Ashmin Swain Revolutionizes Business Decision-Making

Data engineer Ashmin Swain revolutionizes decision-making by democratizing data access and aligning strategies with business objectives.

