Explore the versatile capabilities of AI chatbot ChatGPT and earn extra income by creating compelling content, software-based tools, email pitches, SEO-friendly content, and even e-books.
Discover endless opportunities to earn from home with Chat GPT! Create paid content, offer content editing services, and boost affiliate marketing efforts. Start your financial success journey today!
OpenAI's ChatGPT warned by Japan's data protection authority to minimize sensitive data collection. Italy banned it due to privacy concerns that were later resolved.
Discover how creative individuals are turning to blue-collar trades as technology replaces their jobs. Learn about ChatGPT, an AI chatbot used in multiple industries that's causing job loss in certain sectors. See examples of how AI is affecting media corporations and explore the contrasting views of Liberals and Conservatives when it comes to valuing the work of real people versus machines. Read the story of Olivia Lipkin, a copywriter who lost her job to ChatGPT, illustrating the impact of technology on various industries.
Explore the evolution of tech policy from Obama's optimism to Harris's vision at the Democratic National Convention. What's next for Democrats in tech?