Tag: Computer science

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Google and DeepMind Urged to Collaborate with OpenAI, Ex-Employees and Allies

. Google and DeepMind, two top tech companies, are joining forces to battle the rising threat of AI development by a third company, OpenAI. Years of rivalry doesn't stop the search giant from unifying their resources to keep up with their competitors. This collaboration comes at the cost of internal repercussions, with DeepMind's CEO Demis Hassabis leading India's technological advancement and AI development. Let's see how they'll tackle the challenge ahead as they drive towards a more accessible world of information.

Unleash your Playlist Potential with the ChatGPT-Powered iPhone Assistant

Petey 2.1 – the latest AI assistant from Petey LLC – lets Apple Music users take their digital assistant experience to the next level. Powered by ChatGPT, Petey has everything a music lover needs – from creating playlists to adding songs to the library. With GPT-4 support, users enjoy faster response times and accurate results. Get the most out of your music today!

Reply to Request for Delay on Large Language Models Beyond GPT-4 from Ray Kurzweil

Ray Kurzweil, renowned inventor and futurist, responded to an open letter from AI researchers to “pause” research on more powerful language models than GPT-4. Kurzweil believes the criteria are too vague and the coordination problem too great, stressing the need for ethical AI in areas such as medicine, health, renewable energy, and more. He called for a six-month pause in advancing more powerful AI models.

Social Services Powered by ChatGPT

Snapchat is leading the way with innovative social media experiences. Explore personalized recommendations for restaurants, fun activities and more with their improved AI-powered ChatGPT feature. From CEO Evan Spegal to the global user base, Snapchat is inspiring the world with technology & creativity. #SnapChat

Google Employees Criticize ChatGPT AI for Its Cringeworthy and Pathological Personality, Citing Risk of Injury or Death

Google, the tech giant, has been making waves with the launch of their AI chatbot Bard. According to Bloomberg, employees who were tasked to evaluate the AI have given it harsh reviews, calling it "cringeworthy" and a "pathological liar". This shines a light on the potential deprioritization of AI ethics for the sake of release and users of the beta version have reported issues such as wrong and plagiarized advice, and even getting math questions wrong.


IBM and Microsoft Strengthen Cybersecurity Collaboration for Hybrid Cloud Security

IBM and Microsoft collaborate to strengthen cybersecurity for hybrid cloud security, simplifying operations and driving business growth.

Samsung Workers Launch Three-Day Strike Over Wages and Benefits

Samsung workers launch a three-day strike over wages and benefits, marking a significant development at the tech giant.

China Leads AI Innovation at World Conference in Shanghai – $5.48 Billion in Deals Signed

China leads AI innovation at the 2024 World AI Conference in Shanghai, signing $5.48 billion in deals and showcasing cutting-edge technology.

Dalian Hosts Key Global Summit on Economic Growth & AI Innovations

Dalian hosts global summit on economic growth & AI innovations. Explore key trends at 2024 Summer Davos for insights on global economy.

