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New Research: ChatGPT Could Cost Up to $700K Per Day to Operate

OpenAI's revolutionary AI chatbot ChatGPT is proving to be an expensive venture with a whopping operating cost of nearly $694,444 per day, reports SemiAnalysis. It requires 3,617 HGX A100 servers and 28,936 GPUs to maintain its functionalities. Potentially, Microsoft's Athena - AI chip can tackle this issue and make this project more viable. ChatGPT is already able to generate stories, emails and code from scratch with tests suggesting that its performance matches minimal security standards.

ChatGPT Reportedly Costs Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars to Maintain Daily

ChatGPT is a powerful tool for humans to quickly and easily write reviews, code and letters. However, running ChatGPT can be quite expensive due to its complex technology infrastructure. Experts Dylan Patel and Afzal Ahmad estimate that running ChatGPT can cost up to $700,000 per day. Microsoft has started a project to reduce expenses with their AI-based chip called Athena. GPT-4, the latest ChatGPT model, has gained the support of Professor Yoshua Bengio and CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, revolutionizing the use of technology.

OpenAI’s Staggering Daily Cost for Running ChatGPT

. OpenAI, founded by tech giant Sam Altman, is an independent San Francisco AI research firm focused on advancing the world's understanding of AI and creating a secure environment for its use. Research firm SemicAnalysis reports OpenAI shell out a hefty daily sum up to $700,000 for its AI system, ChatGPT, due to its tremendous popularity and functionality. Dylan Patel, Chief Analyst of the firm, reports the cost may even be greater due to revisions such as GPT-4. Microsoft is investing heavily in its own AI chip, 'Athena', to reduce the GPUs costs by a third - an effort to wield this otherwise expensive technology. GPT-4 is estimated to reach 1 trillion parameters, though OpenAI CEO Sam Altman admits this could yield scalability issues.

Making ChatGPT Cheaper: Microsoft Aiming to Cut Costs by Over $700,000 Daily

OpenAI's ChatGPT is revolutionizing natural language processing, with its impressive accuracy and speed. Microsoft is helping, by developing a new AI chip, Athena, to reduce running costs. SemiAnalysis's data indicates that the costs already exceed $700k a day - though AI21 Labs can reduce that by 50%. Read to learn more about this exciting technology.

Making ChatGPT Cheaper: Microsoft Aiming to Cut Costs by Over $700,000 Daily

Microsoft's groundbreaking AI chip Athena could revolutionize OpenAI's language models, saving up to $700,000 per day in processing costs. Microsoft began this project in 2019, now employing more than 300, working to make it available to internal users as soon as 2021. Latitude, an AI dungeon game using OpenAI's language model, is already paying $200,000 a month for AWS servers. Microsoft is looking to improve budgeting for AI projects and reduce operations costs for AI models.


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