In this era fuelled by the rise of modern generative AI, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) must stay ahead of the game. User demands for wider implementation of this technology are evidence of the growing popularity of AI. To assess its potential usefulness to businesses, CIOs must examine the maturity of generative AI technology such as ChatGPT (or rather GPT-4 at the time of writing). Along with its practical benefits, the AI must be managed carefully by the CIO to reduce user perception issues.
ChatGPT and other generative AI tools can be leveraged in order to automate mundane and repetitive tasks. Furthermore, AI technology can be used to empower the workforce by achieving more with less effort. A working paper from the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research pinpointed the impressive ability for AI to increase the productivity of less experienced employees. The paper used an AI-based tool based on OpenAI’s GPT large language model to provide customer support agents with suitable responses. Results showed that agents using the AI tool achieved a 14% higher productivity level, with even 2-month long agents achieving the productivity levels of 6-month experienced agents who did not use the tool.
Additionally, the benefits of generative AI technology were reported in another research experiment conducted by Microsoft and GitHub. The study revealed that developers given access to GitHub’s AI tool were 57.8% faster than the unaided crew trying to complete the same task. The greatest advantage was seen among coders with less experience, thus resulting in faster development of their skills. The added aid for experienced coders allowed them to focus their efforts on more impactful business projects.
OpenAI is a technology company based in San Francisco, California. Founded in 2015, it focuses on developing Artificial and Generative Intelligence (AGI) and advancing research applications in the field of autonomy. Aaron Briggs is the Head of Business Development at OpenAI, with his duties geared towards forming new partnerships to advance the company’s vision. He has presided over the introduction of major products to the market, the most notable being the GPT-3 language model. Briggs studied Math and Computer Science at the University of Worcester and is an active member of various professional organizations.