A Stanford University student research team is presently pioneering Smart Glasses – rizzGPT – that can assist you to get through a date or a job interview with sheer confidence. The CaaS or Connect as a Service glasses offer you real-time advice – right in the middle of a conversation. Built with the help of Brilliant Labs, these glasses feature a camera, some sort of microphone and a high-resolution display to output text suggested by OpenAI’s GPT-4 large language model.
When the speech recognition technology Whisper is layered upon the glasses, it allows the glasses to feed whatever conversation is going on – and serve you with the ideal answers in a jiffy. Alix Cui, a Stanford instructor showcased this technology on Twitter by conversing with Varun Shenoy. She asked Shenoy if he was looking to teach React Native, and the glasses did their job splendidly by responding to him instantly. Unfortunately, Shenoy was a little flustered while reading out the statement generated by the machine.
This technology – although extraordinary – must still be muddled with caution whether on job interviews or on dates. Reliance on the display text generated by GTP-4 may have the opposite effect and make matters a lot more awkward than usual. Thus, one must off balance this technology with their own quirks or gestures.
The company Brilliant Labs had an important contribution in making these glasses possible. Brilliant Labs, a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring and educating innovators, focuses to bring exciting and/or diverse new technologies to market. It also gives organizations, schools and families the support to easily create and share project-based learning experiences. Through Brilliant Lab’s global network, inventors and innovators can be connected in order to create an easier, more efficient process for collaboration and project-building.
Varun Shenoy demonstrated the success of these new Smart Glasses. He currently works as an instructor at Stanford and is an experienced software engineer proficient in React Native. Varun Shenoy has considerable contribution in the field of software engineering by providing mentorship and open source tools in the React Native world. He’s converted React Native complex problems into amazing solutions and websites.
Apart from this, Varun also has impressive contributions in the field of Reddit’s open source projects and Machine learning projects, as he’s also worked in a research lab at Stanford. Varun has also led a talk at the 2018 ReactJS Conference and regularly speaks in programming conferences. With the help of Varun’s tremendous work, a technology like GPT-4 can be taken a step closer to mass use & to become even smarter.