ChatGPT users may want to save their conversations for future reference or share them with others. While the platform saves all prompts automatically, there are a few ways to download the conversations for local backup. Here’s how to save, export, and clear your ChatGPT conversations.
To save your ChatGPT conversations, you can start by editing the title of previously saved chats. Simply select the chat, click the edit icon, and change the title accordingly. If you want to download your chats locally, you can manually copy and paste them into a text file. Alternatively, you can use a Chrome extension called Export ChatGPT Conversation to export the chat thread as HTML or images, or copy it to a Notion workspace.
If you want to download your entire conversation history on ChatGPT, go to your profile icon, select Settings, click Data Controls, and click Export to the right of Export data. You will receive a download link in your registered email to download your conversation history in a zipped folder.
However, if you want to clear your chat history, simply click your profile icon, select Clear conversations, and confirm the action.
By following these steps, ChatGPT users can save and export their conversations for future reference and avoid losing valuable insights.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Related to the Above News
Can ChatGPT conversations be saved for future reference?
Yes, ChatGPT conversations can be saved for future reference.
How can I save a specific ChatGPT conversation?
You can save a specific ChatGPT conversation by editing the title of the chat or manually copy-pasting it into a text file. Another option is to use a Chrome extension like Export ChatGPT Conversation.
Is it possible to download my entire conversation history on ChatGPT?
Yes, you can download your entire conversation history on ChatGPT by going to your profile icon, selecting Settings, clicking Data Controls, and clicking Export to the right of Export data.
What format will my conversation history be downloaded in?
Your conversation history will be downloaded in a zipped folder.
How can I clear my ChatGPT chat history?
You can clear your ChatGPT chat history by clicking your profile icon, selecting Clear conversations, and confirming the action.
Please note that the FAQs provided on this page are based on the news article published. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it is always recommended to consult relevant authorities or professionals before making any decisions or taking action based on the FAQs or the news article.