SAR Administration Introduces Flexible Arrangements for Non-Local Hiring in Tech Sector, Boosting Production Speed
The SAR administration is taking steps to introduce flexible arrangements for non-local hiring in the technology sector, with the aim of accelerating production speed. Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Sun Dong, announced this move in response to Chief Executive John Lee’s policy address introducing a new HK$10 billion industrialization acceleration scheme.
The scheme will provide financial assistance to enterprises in life and health technologies, AI and data science, advanced manufacturing, and new energy technologies. Under this initiative, enterprises can receive funding of up to HK$200 million for their production facilities and are granted more flexibility in non-local hiring.
Sun Dong highlighted that technical personnel would typically be permitted to work in the SAR through the Top Talent Pass or Technology Talent Admission schemes. However, in cases where enterprises cannot find suitable personnel through these existing schemes, they will be allowed to import a certain number of technical personnel under the new scheme. This measure aims to expedite the setup of production lines.
Furthermore, restrictions on the number of subsidized research talents that enterprises can employ under the Research Talent Hub funding program may also be relaxed, according to Sun Dong.
Addressing the plans for an AI supercomputing center at Cyberport, Sun Dong mentioned that the government intends to fund its construction, with the goal of Cyberport becoming self-sufficient. Effective communication between the government and Cyberport will be crucial to enhancing cybersecurity measures.
These initiatives by the SAR administration demonstrate a commitment to bolstering the technology sector and accelerating industrialization. By providing financial assistance, allowing flexibility in non-local hiring, and supporting research and development, the administration aims to create a favorable environment for technological innovation and production.
This latest announcement is expected to attract global attention and potentially boost foreign investment in Hong Kong’s technology sector. With the introduction of these flexible arrangements, the SAR administration is positioning itself as an attractive destination for tech companies and talent alike.
– [SAR Administration Introduces Flexible Arrangements for Non-Local Hiring in Tech Sector, Boosting Production Speed](