Black Mirror is a popular anthology series that examines the impact of technology on our lives. Created by Charlie Brooker and producer Annabel Jones, the show is a modern take on classic anthology series like The Twilight Zone. Each episode has its own unique tone and subject matter, making it difficult to rank the best and worst episodes. Despite this challenge, WIRED has come up with a definitive ranking of every episode of Black Mirror.
At the bottom of the list is Smithereens, an episode that tells the story of a man who blames social media for the most tragic moment of his life. Next up is White Bear, a horror-inspired story that lacks emotional depth. Men Against Fire, an episode warning about the potential misuse of technology in warfare, is another episode that ranks low on the list. The Waldo Moment, an episode that tells the story of a comedian behind a puerile animated bear who has an outsize impact on national politics, ranks next.
Moving up the list, Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too explores the world of vapid pop music, exploitative managers, and impressionable fans. White Christmas featuring Mad Men’s Jon Hamm, ranks higher on the list, followed by Bandersnatch, an interactive episode that allows viewers to choose their own adventure.
Next on the list is Demon 79, billed as the first Red Mirror episode. USS Callister explores the toxicity of masculinity and its degrading results. San Junipero, a story that explores the human side of technology, ranks higher on the list.
At the top of the list is Hated in the Nation, an episode that examines the content machine, the AI apocalypse, and even quantum computing. This gripping take on crime drama culminates in a delicious twist that adds depth to the episode.
Overall, Black Mirror continues to captivate viewers with its thought-pro