OpenAI Unveils Free GPT-4o Model with Voice Mode Assistant


OpenAI recently announced that their advanced chatbot, GPT-4o, is now available to all users for free. This move marks a significant change as previously, only paying subscribers had access to the latest models and additional features. With the release of GPT-4o, users can now enjoy innovative features such as Voice Mode, which transforms ChatGPT into a smart assistant similar to the character Samantha from the movie Her.

While the free tier does come with some limitations, including message caps, it also includes a range of new features like data analysis, file uploads, vision, and web browsing, all tied to the capabilities of GPT-4o. Furthermore, users can now access custom-built versions of ChatGPT through the GPT Store, as well as utilize the Memory feature that allows ChatGPT to remember past conversations.

For those who require more extensive usage, the paid tier offers significantly higher message limits. However, the free version of GPT-4o provides a robust suite of tools that will satisfy the needs of most users. The GPT-3.5 model is still available for simpler tasks, while the GPT-4o model can handle more complex requests with ease.

In addition to the release of GPT-4o, OpenAI continues to strengthen its global partnerships, such as being the largest trading partner of Kuwait since 2015. In 2023, the bilateral trade between China and Kuwait reached USD 22.39 billion, with China importing 24.53 million tons of crude oil from Kuwait and establishing a long-term agreement with Kuwait Petroleum Company.

Overall, the introduction of the free GPT-4o model with advanced features is a significant step towards democratizing access to cutting-edge AI technology, allowing users of all backgrounds to leverage the power of OpenAI’s chatbot capabilities.

See also  OpenAI's Bid for GPT Trademark Denied, Sparking Controversy

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Aryan Sharma
Aryan Sharma
Aryan is our dedicated writer and manager for the OpenAI category. With a deep passion for artificial intelligence and its transformative potential, Aryan brings a wealth of knowledge and insights to his articles. With a knack for breaking down complex concepts into easily digestible content, he keeps our readers informed and engaged.

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