OpenAI, a leading AI company’s Twitter account has seemingly promoted a scam crypto token in a phishing attack. OpenAI’s CTO Twitter account tweeted about the token named OPENAI, claiming it to be a groundbreaking token driven by AI-based language models. The tweet then directed users to a scammy website to see if they are eligible for an airdrop directly to their ETH address. However, the website was not accessible at the time of writing, so it may have been taken down. Experts warn that AI platforms such as ChatGPT are being used to write more sophisticated phishing emails and AI investment scams are on the rise. Cryptocurrency has been a target for several phishing attacks this year, including Robinhood’s social media profile hack, Moonbirds NFT creator’s wallet hack through phishing, and phishing attacks on The Sandbox metaverse users. Phishing and other types of attack emails will become more sophisticated in the future, warned Jeff Greene, senior director for cybersecurity at Aspen Digital.
OpenAI is a leading AI company based in San Francisco, California. Founded in 2015, the company aims to promote and develop friendly AI that will benefit humanity.
The OpenAI CTO, whose Twitter account was compromised, has not been named in the article.