OpenAI and News Corp Sign Groundbreaking Content Deal


OpenAI’s recent partnership with News Corp has raised questions about the future of journalism and the impact on readers like you. By allowing OpenAI to learn from News Corp’s content, this collaboration will likely shape the responses generated by ChatGPT, OpenAI’s AI service.

The agreement between OpenAI and News Corp will enable ChatGPT to draw on a wide range of information, including articles from prominent Australian publications like The Australian and The Daily Telegraph. While the deal focuses on enriching the AI’s training data, it also poses challenges regarding copyright and editorial control.

Media companies are faced with the dilemma of whether sharing their content with AI technologies jeopardizes their journalistic integrity or benefits the public by enhancing access to reliable information. The quality and sources of training data are essential for AI to produce accurate outputs, highlighting the role of News Corp and other media organizations in shaping AI-generated content.

The involvement of journalists and editors in curating training data is crucial for ensuring the credibility of AI-generated responses. Despite concerns about AI’s propensity to hallucinate false information, collaborations between AI services and media outlets offer opportunities to improve the accuracy and relevance of news dissemination.

While larger media players like News Corp enter into content-sharing agreements, smaller organizations in the media landscape risk being marginalized. Furthermore, the role of public broadcasters like ABC and SBS is brought into question, as they are not currently part of such agreements despite their crucial role in providing quality news content.

In light of these developments, users are encouraged to critically evaluate AI-generated content and compare results with reputable sources before making decisions based on automated responses. Supporting independent media in local communities can also help combat news deserts and ensure access to diverse and reliable information sources. As AI continues to evolve in the news industry, the importance of upholding journalistic standards and promoting media diversity remains paramount.

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Aryan Sharma
Aryan Sharma
Aryan is our dedicated writer and manager for the OpenAI category. With a deep passion for artificial intelligence and its transformative potential, Aryan brings a wealth of knowledge and insights to his articles. With a knack for breaking down complex concepts into easily digestible content, he keeps our readers informed and engaged.

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