Nightdive Studios is known for its high-quality remasters of classic games for both PC and console, but its upcoming System Shock remake proves that the studio is more than capable of creating a full-blown remake. Nightdive CEO Stephen Kick founded the studio to gain publishing rights to System Shock 2, with the studio’s focus on restoring classic games making them the perfect candidate for the high-pressure task of recreating the iconic game.
The studio has gained recognition for its commitment to giving classic games a complete makeover, with remasters such as Doom 64, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, and many more featuring modernized controls, resolution scaling, and accessibility features. Its biggest project yet, the System Shock remake, promises to be an immersive sim rooted in the original’s sprawling maps and secrets, but with a modern twist. At the same time, the studio is aware of the impact of bringing a classic game to modern audiences and has included options to lower the bar for entry.
After the success of its System Shock remake, fans of the franchise may be eager to see a System Shock 2 remake. However, Nightdive is also considering exploring the System Shock universe in different genres, such as creating an XCOM-like game set before the events of System Shock 1. Despite this, the future of the System Shock franchise is looking brighter than ever, all thanks to Nightdive Studios’ dedication to creating high-quality remakes of classic games.