Kate Snow, a familiar face to viewers of NBC Nightly News, announced during Sunday’s broadcast that she will be stepping down as the anchor of the show’s Sunday edition. Snow shared her decision with viewers, expressing her desire to dedicate more time to her weekday program, NBC News Daily, which airs on the streaming platform NBC News NOW.
In her farewell message to the Sunday Nightly News audience, Snow conveyed her gratitude for the opportunity to connect with viewers each week. She revealed that her final broadcast as the Sunday anchor will be upcoming, as she transitions to focus on her role with NBC News Daily from Monday to Friday.
Despite stepping down from her anchoring duties, Snow will maintain her presence as a senior national correspondent across various NBC News programs, including Today and NBC Nightly News. Colleagues and executives at NBC News praised Snow’s hard work, integrity, and dedication to journalism, emphasizing her contributions both in front of the camera and behind the scenes.
Having anchored the Sunday Nightly News editions for over eight years, Kate Snow recently took on the role of co-anchor for NBC News Daily in 2022, hosting the program’s afternoon editions. Reflecting on the success of NBC News Daily, Snow highlighted the show’s unique approach to storytelling and global coverage, citing the diverse perspectives and in-depth reporting that set it apart.
As Snow prepares to transition away from the Sunday Nightly News anchor desk, NBC News plans to have rotating anchors fill the role temporarily. Details regarding the next anchor for the Sunday edition will be announced in the coming weeks, as the network continues to prioritize delivering quality news coverage to its audience.