Myntra, the online fashion retailer, has partnered with Microsoft to bring generative AI to its shopping app, introducing a new chatbot with a knack for fashion. Powered by Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI service, the chatbot called MyFashionGPT enables users to search products using natural language rather than just keywords.
The company says that the feature frees users from the constraints of traditional searches that rely on matching specific keywords already present in a product catalogue. MyFashionGPT can comprehend open-ended queries like suggest me clothes for a beach trip and returns relevant items from various categories, including beachwear, hats, sunglasses, and more.
Myntra’s systems are on Azure and deploying Azure OpenAI Service was as seamless as deploying another server and it gave us a secure way of using generative AI, said Vindhya Priya Shanmugam, director of engineering at Myntra.
MyFashionGPT was launched in May, during the End of Reason Sale. Users can access MyFashionGPT by clicking on the icon located to the right of the search bar on Myntra’s app. They can use the chatbot to search for specific requirements or outfit queries based on occasions, travel locations, popular events, and even celebrity looks from popular movies.
Users who shop using the AI shopping assistant are three times more likely to end up making a purchase, said Arit Mondal, director of product management at Myntra. Because it also helps users discover a complete look from multiple categories of products, we’re seeing that on average they add products from 16 per cent more categories than usual.
Myntra plans to use generative AI to build a feature, which could be able to complete outfits by selecting tops, bottoms, and accessories. Additionally, the company plans to add voice search and personalization to the chatbot in the future.
By leveraging the power of generative AI, Myntra aims to enhance the shopping experience for its users. The introduction of MyFashionGPT allows users to search for fashion items using natural language, eliminating the need for specific keywords. This innovative feature opens up a new realm of possibilities in product discovery, helping users find relevant items based on their preferences and queries.
The integration of the AI assistant into Myntra’s existing Azure infrastructure was seamless, providing a secure and efficient platform for utilizing generative AI technology. Myntra’s systems are on Azure and deploying Azure OpenAI Service was as seamless as deploying another server, said Vindhya Priya Shanmugam, director of engineering at Myntra.
Upon testing the capabilities of ChatGPT, Myntra’s team discovered its ability to synthesize natural language prompts. They were amazed to find that ChatGPT could accurately answer various questions, from suggesting outfits for regional festivals to describing the look of an actor from a recent movie. The team even tested ChatGPT in Hindi, and it was able to understand and respond accurately.
Since its launch in May, MyFashionGPT has revolutionized the way people search and shop on the Myntra platform. The AI assistant deciphers the intent behind imprecise search strings, offering fresh product discovery options and streamlining the search process. Users who utilize the AI shopping assistant are three times more likely to make a purchase, as it assists them in discovering a complete look from multiple categories of products.
Looking ahead, Myntra plans to further harness the power of generative AI. The company aims to develop a feature that can complete outfits by selecting tops, bottoms, and accessories, making the fashion shopping experience even more seamless and convenient. Additionally, Myntra plans to incorporate voice search and personalization into the chatbot, ensuring an enhanced and personalized shopping experience for its users.
With the integration of generative AI technology and the introduction of MyFashionGPT, Myntra continues to redefine the fashion shopping experience. By enabling users to search for products using natural language and offering personalized recommendations, Myntra is at the forefront of innovation in the online fashion retail industry.